Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Week 9: Task 23: Final Comment

This has been a VERY long trip for me!!! In fact, should have been finished months ago. Were pieces I really enjoyed and bits I loathed. Overall now I have a great feeling of relief and satisfaction in being done. Not an experience I would want to repeat as it really is not my thing but still good to try something different and new.

Week 9: Task 21: RSS Feeds for a Pod Cast

This one I found a lot more time consuming and troublesome than the You Tube task. Was pleased to see the end of it! It is not something I could see myself getting actively involved with.

Week 9: Task 22: EBooks

Project Gutenburg was quite interesting and I especially liked the concept of being a proofreader - perhaps a problem as they undoubtedly use american spelling! Personally I would not subscribe to ebooks (even when free) as sitting looking at a computer screen for too long would drive me nuts.

Week 9: Task 20: Discovering You Tube

As ABBA is my favourite group, this is one of my fav songs and I was actually enjoying being able to complete a task, I decided to add an exra contribution ;)

Week 9: Task 20

This is the promotional video posted on You Tube by ITFNZ to promote the World Championship Taekwon-Do competitions to be hosted in Wellington in 2011. I found this to be one of the easiest assignments yet!!! Yay...could it possibly be a sign of progress???

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Week 8: Task 19: Discovering Web 2.0 Tools

I elected to go straight to the short list (ie the winners) of the Web 2.0 Awards. The category I chose was Genealogy. The site was My Heritage which I have now added as one of my favourites on our home computer. I had a lot of fun starting to formulate our family tree and look forward to expanding the information it includes as time permits. I also need to confirm some names and dates with my parents so I can make further progress. From there I will do some more research to see how far back I can go.

Week 8: Task 18: Online Productivity (Word Processing & Spreadsheet) Tools

This is my 1st attempt at Zoho Writer. Looks like it might be FUN to play with. I guess TIME will tell. I really like the idea of being able to collaborate on work and having the ABILITY to make changes in REAL TIME. This could be an extremely useful tool to utilise.

Week 6: Task 16: Library 2.0

Wow... this exercise definitely made me feel like a dinosaur!!! I remember being in Form 7 (Year 13 for the young ones among you) and taking an applied mathematics course. To write computer programmes back then (around the time of the ark) we had to punch holes out of numerous computer cards. They were then sent to a databank for processing. Several days later they would be received back with a computer generated printout of your programme. Generally at this point you would also find that there was a fault with your programming and that you had to repeat the whole sorry exercise!! Having watched the video clip illustrating the web 2.0 phenomenon I was amazed to see how quickly this process now is (for those who know what they're doing that is!!) Alterations are easily made without the painstaking necessity of returning to the beginning (a much better idea!). I also took a virtual tour of the Santa Monica Library - very impressive. Is amazing what can be achieved from the comfort of your own home!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Week 6: Task 15: Technorati Blog Posts

Well, technorati was a little be difficult but I got through it in the end. My blog is now posted on technorati with the link attached above. Thanks to Veronica for her assistance with the last 2 tasks... She also makes a mean peach pie :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Week 6: Tagging, Folksonomies & Technorati: Task 14

I have spent quite a bit of time floundering around with and have found, that as it is not my thing or something that comes easily to me, I have been getting frustrated by it. I prefer to just add things to my favourites if I come across something that is of interest to me.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dewey Readmore Books

This is Dewey Readmore Books - the cat adopted as a kitten by the staff of Spencer Library in Ohio. He was "deposited" in the returned book slot on the coldest night of the year and when found was badly frostbitten. He won the hearts of everyone who came into contact with him during the nineteen years he resided in the library.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Week 7 Task 17: Social Networking (Facebook)

Today was the first time I attempted to use Facebook. This is the Badge I created on their site to include on my Blog.
Lyn Armitt's Facebook profile

Thursday, January 29, 2009

5:12 & 13 Wikis

Wikipedia is an online encyclopaedia which anyone can edit. Had a bit of fun making alterations and then reinstating the original info. I found it quite interesting to be able to see what happened on any given date. Found a number of nasty things happened on my birth date!!!! Some pages (such as that of Tom Cruise) are locked so as not to be altered. Is fun to just click on random articles as you can learn all manner of interesting info.

Adding to the Manukau Libraries Wiki for fav blogs wasn't too onerous. Prob won't remember how tho by next week :)

The Technology Blog Post 4:11

This is how I feel when I am having to try and make sense of my computer and blog. Am definitely starting to feel like a real technophobe. It never seems to do what I want it to!!!!
I enjoyed being able to acknowledge my husband and son in this blog. Their accomplishments in tkd have progressed somewhat since these photos were published as they are now both red stripes and will be grading for their red belts in March or April!

I have loaded a slideshow from Flickr about other people's taekwondo efforts....